Keep Your Powder Dry
Pleasingly palm sized, pseudo functional sherbet bowls. Silver rimmed bowls in pastel coloured porcelain recreate specific iconic sherbet treats from my childhood. Firstly, the Double Dip, with its two choices of sherbet in pink cherry and orange, and the iconic yellow lozenge shaped dabber to lick and dip. And secondly, the sherbet Dib Dab, with its fine ice-white powder, luscious red lollipop, recreated here using a whopper of a ruby set in silver.
This body of work continues to address the themes of the conflict of value and function, and of function versus anti-function, which is ever-present in my work. We assign value to objects based on their material, their rarity, their functionality. These works celebrate the simplest pleasures in life, the little indulgences that add value to our everyday. By re-embodying humble confectionaries in materials of high perceived worth, I hope to highlight the value they bring.